Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weird Candle Science

I wanted to set out some candles today now that (1) I've glued together the one candle stand that's been holding up the process and (2) I remembered I own candles, and came across this while unpacking the box:

There's a vivid red candle in there that has apparently dyed the paper towel AND the plastic baggie AND the items that were around this candle! (Just more baggies & paper towels, nothing important thank goodness.) The candles have been packed like so since May 2009, exactly one year ago; none of the other red/colored candles bled like this (har har punning again). I wonder what dye was used for this particular candle. I'm glad nothing important got permanently dyed this time; I will make sure that candles never touch anything important in the future!

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