Friday, September 15, 2006

Techno-Bibliophile Heaven

As a big reader (it is hard to avoid the now-clichéd phrase "avid reader" -- ugh), I have maintained a staunch traditionalist position of "real, paper books" over e-books. There is something so comforting about holding a friendly book in your hand, that patiently waits for your return, doesn't argue, and doesn't slobber all over you and leave hair lying around. Are e-books doubly purposeful -- stacked on shelves for storage AND for decorative impact? I don't think so. Only tangible books offer the feeling of modest pride when guests say in awe, "You own a TON of books."

But I am prepared to grudgingly chalk up a point to the other side after discovering DailyLit. This is an email service that lets you read a novel, a little bit at a time. You sign up for a part to be sent to your inbox at a time you choose, on days you choose. I signed up for Northanger Abbey (92 parts). Daily Lit even gives you the option of getting the next installment immediately if you just can't wait. The list of books to choose from isn't terribly long, as they can only use books in the public domain, but that just means the list includes some of the best works ever written.

I'll give it a try with Jane Austen. But I'm also going to buy some eye drops to keep by the computer for when my eyes dry out from looking at the screen too long.

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