Friday, September 15, 2006

No-Holds-Barred Modesty

In the course of my ramblings today, I ran across a blog called Everyday Mommy. [This is not my way of making a cute Announcement! When that time comes, I will be much more clever.] She found that marketing and PR firms review "mommy blogs" for trends and opinions. So she started the Moms for Modesty Blog Team in an attempt to effect change by encouraging retailers to "provide girls' and young womens clothing that is modest, affordable and stylish."

Way to use the Internet as a weapon! Already, she has a whopping 488 comments to that post. Talk about knowing that people read your blog. You can add your comment, however small, to her post, just to show retailers that we mean business (or not, so to speak!). Long live modesty!

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