Until our PODS come on Jan. 6, I’ll be living in an unfurnished house with a dog, the Internet, the stuff we brought in our car, no job, and no cable or rabbit-ear TV.
Unfurnished House: Day 1
Unfurnished House: Day 2
Day 3: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Get up at 6 a.m. with John. Once John closes the bathroom door, shutting Darra out, she goes to a pile of dirty laundry (darks) and lies on John’s dirty underwear, staring at the closed bathroom door.
Take Darra out, implement Fiendish New Potty Plan: If she doesn’t go in the first minute or two, I take her back inside. When she does do her business, she gets a treat immediately. She already knows to ring the bell to go outside, but now that we don’t have a doggie door and a fenced yard, I’m re-training her to go outside and go IMMEDIATELY, so I’m not standing there in the cold. She’s got to learn now that every time she goes outside, it’s NOT necessarily a walk!! After a minute or two this morning, I make a move to go back inside, and she halts, not budging. Immediately goes potty. I think she’s starting to get the picture.
Start laundry load #3.
Eat breakfast, go online. Post to blog. Check email. Check Facebook. Update Amazon wish list.
Think about getting dressed since it’s 8:30 a.m.
Reboot laundry. Get ready for the day. Wash down shelves of laundry room cabinets and store stuff there.
Hand wash some dishes. Clear off the counters and find a way to organize all the random paper and pens that don’t have a home because we don’t have desks, so they’ve been all over the place. Feel good about cleared countertops.
Reboot laundry. Start load #4.
Think about the fact that today is Dec. 31. Think about making resolutions, as I eat some chocolate. Ponder that this is the first year we’ll be alone for New Year’s Eve not by choice.
Look up directions to the nearest Costco, hoping it’s closer than BJ’s or Sam’s, which are both at least 20 minutes away.
Feel guilty about ignoring Darra, who looks especially pathetic. Take her on walk to neighborhood next door.
Eat lunch while watching Reba. See that the 2 newest episodes of House are on hulu.com!!
Reboot laundry.
Figure out directions one more time for hitting two stores in one trip. Take deep breath, leave Darra UNgated!! (since it’s obviously pointless), and gear up for serious driving in Raleigh.
Head out onto I-440, the loop around Raleigh. Eeeks. End up at the nearest SuperWalmart, about 15-20 minutes away. The store I patronize the most isn’t close anymore!
Also excited to see a pet store AND an Aldi’s across the street from Walmart. Yay! Aldi’s is probably the only store cheaper than Walmart!
Before going back home, I have to call John to ask him which exit we are on 440, which direction to go, etc.
Manage to make it home. Wonder how Darra fared while I was gone for 2 hours. But apparently John got home right after I left, so we still haven’t left her for a significant period of time.
Unpack groceries. Watch some more Reba. Make supper. Watch another episode of Wire in the Blood. Cannot get warm. Wrap up in afghan.
Walk Darra in the freezing cold. It’s a short walk. Thank goodness, she does all her business, so we’re not going outside again.
Try to figure out how to maximize bedding and pajamas for optimal sleeping. No socks or sweatshirt: too cold. Socks and sweatshirt: too hot, then sweat, then get cold from sweat drying. Really want my own pillow and bed, which are inaccessible for another week at least.
Waste time on the internet.
Read before bed.
Unfurnished House: Day 4
Unfurnished House: Day 5
Unfurnished House: Day 6
Unfurnished House: Day 7
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