Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ridiculously Awesome Things #1

So I was in the midst of yet another sugar craving in the midst of a house empty of sugar-filled items. (Except for sugar itself, but that would be gross to eat straight sugar. I'm not that desperate.)

Yearning for something sugary, I remembered - there's leftover generic Cool Whip in the freezer from John's birthday last week! Crisis averted.

Don't worry, I only ate 2 bites (ok, more like 5). But as I put it away, I thought about how I am a Cool Whip fanatic (generic equivalents also accepted).

It's not only sweet, but delicately sweet, so that your taste buds aren't overwhelmed to the point of throwing up. I seriously could eat an entire bowl of Cool Whip. Never have though. Perhaps I should add that to my list of things to do before I die? But only after I'm 80, when it won't matter if my teeth fall out.


Ruth Cox said...

I am a TOTAL whipped cream fanatic, and have, in fact, eaten whole bowls of it. YUM!!! But cool whip? c'mon V, gross! :)

also, very jealous of your SNOW! wow, so pretty

Jane Eyre said...

Hey now, don't diss the Cool Whip. That's why it's #1 on my list!