Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sweater Solutions

Even though I lived in Florida for 18 years, I acquired a collection of sweaters for Christmas visits to family in Illinois and the occasional day the Florida weather dropped below 50 degrees.

But my favorite sweaters have grown "pilly," though I refuse to give them up since otherwise, they are perfectly fine.

I bought one of those gadgets at Bed, Bath & Beyond that is similar to an electric razor, only for sweaters ("fabric shaver"?). You turn it on, run it up and down the sweater, and voila, the "pills" are removed. It takes some time (and you have to stop every now and then to blow off the resultant fuzz from the motor), but the results are worth it.

Notice the pill action on this Tommy Hilfiger-lookalike sweater (before):

Now look at the right sleeve, which has been de-pillified:

1 sweater down, 4 to go.

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