Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Whole Lotta Diggin Goin On

Yesterday, John and I worked on our first major gardening project since we moved here, not counting the tons of weeding and pruning.

Only one wall of the master bedroom connects to the house, basically leaving the other 3 sides surrounded by a small landscaping border which is bare except for two hydrangea plants. I didn't really care about the rest of the empty beds because unless you walk around the corners, no one except the next door neighbors can see any plants there. What's the point? Then I went to that eeeeeviil place, Lowe's, and saw their display of bulbs - tulips, hyacinths, irises, crocuses, and so on.

A vision came to me: vibrant colors filling those barren borders in the spring. You plant a few bulbs and reap the beauty in April. How hard could that be?

We completed about 1/4 of the entire job we have planned; only one border has bulbs planted in it. The packed red Georgia "dirt" (CLAY) required more effort than we thought. It's a good thing it was a cool day overall.

John finishes up digging the trench for the bulbs. I had already removed the "mulch" first and started the trench. (Around here, people use pine straw as mulch; I still think it looks terrible, but it's cheap. Ugh.)

After John finished adding a bottom layer of appropriate soil, I smoothed it out for the bulbs. Then we finished setting the bulbs in and filling up the trench with soil. We had to go to Lowe's AGAIN because we had underestimated and run out of soil.

Following directions, we finish up by watering the bulbs. John and I noted how it looks exactly the same as when we started. That's why I like to clean, because you can see immediate results. So gardening, where you literally see the fruits of your labors months later, has been hard for me to get excited about (except in the spring and summer, of course).

I guess that's something else that will grow by April - my patience.

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